Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.101
Tommy Peterson Cabin. A one-room hue cut log cabin, it has a worn shake roof.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.103cn
Corner House. Large fence surrounding the building. 3 different sections.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.105cn
Corner House. Front view in summer.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.108c
Corner House - 1948. Front view of the Corner House in the fall of 1948. There is a stormy sky behind it.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.13cn
Horsefly Hotel - Walters Hotel. People and Horses are located in front of the building. Five horses and riders. Photo is very faded. The hotel is a two-story log building. There are people in front of it as well. A poplar tree is in the centrtre of the photo. L. to R. - 3 men on horses unidentified, small man by tree Tommy Peterson, Tom Walters in white shirt, Mrs. Walters seated, Mr. Walters at her side, 3 unidentified, Mr. Hall (Mrs. Walters' step-father) on horse with baby, 1 unidentified rider. -Hazel Gibbons 1902-1904.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.14cn
Meiss Hotel, 1912. A two-story log building with a picket fence around it. Mrs. Meiss is in front of the Hotel feeding a young bear cub. There is also a women with three children standing in front as well.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.147c
Peterson Cabin. A one-room hue Log cabin with a worn shake roof. See also 982.101
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.160
Walter's Bunkhouse. A sideways view, both frame additions are visible.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.169cn
Three men and a cabin in the woods. First Bull Moose Club.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.17cn
At the grave of Nordal Dalby, about 1915. Harper's Lease, Cemetery. L-R: Bob Campbell, Joe Williams, Agnes Williams, Annie Patenaude, Ida Patenaude Zirnhelt (child).
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.18cn
Meiss Hotel. About 1918. There is a new addition to the Hotel. By the picket fence there is a horse tied to it. The addition has two dormers in it. Right where the addition is added there is a thermometer.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.199cn
Meiss Hotel, Mrs. Meiss and Rover, Lizzie Gaspard, sitting on the porch - winter.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.19cn
Horsefly Hotel in 1912. Photo of Harry Walters' Family on the porch of the Hotel. The photo is very fuzzy. It was taken in front of the hotel on the porch. All but one of the children in the picture are Walters. The two adults in the photo are Harry and Alva Walters. There is also a grey horse tied to the porch, it is all saddled. L. to R. are Ivan Walters, LeRoy West, Lloyd Walters, Blanche Walters, Valentine Walters, Mrs. Walters, and Mr. Walters.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.201cn
House built for Hazel when she married Loveridge - 1916 - Log house with a porch, clothes line out the back - winter.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.205cn
Corner House Close-up. The left side of the Corner House is mostly missing (the photographer cut it off). Behind the Corner House, you can see the trees are missing leaves, indicating the picture was taken in the fall.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.25n
The Meiss Bar in 1915. There are nine men in the photo. The wall behind the bar is cluttered with bottles. The ceiling has goods such as boots hanging from it. All the men have a drink.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.10cn
Fred Hooker's house - Old Mr. & Mrs. Hooker came to Horsefly about 1910 and built this cabin. You can see the entrance. The sun is half covering the building. Fence at left of building.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.11cn
Harry Brown's home, Beaver Valley. Built by Neil Robertson in 1911-1912. He came from Scotland. Photo taken on a dark day. There is tin over the right half of the building.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.12n
Home built by Neil Robertson, a Scotch carpenter about 1914. It is a scotch cottage type house. Note unusual windows (close up of windows).
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.13n
A house and barn built by Neil Robertson, a Scotch carpenter, about 1914. The barn is full of hay, and the doors are barred. The house is in the back and to the right.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.15n
A house built by Neil Robertson in Beaver Valley about 1914. Side view of the building.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.2n
Patenaude House, Black Creek. 1st section built about 1906. Men used it as a bunkhouse at first, 2nd section built about 1914. A dirt road in the foreground. In front of the house there is a wheelbarrow, and a hitching post. Some of the windows are broken.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.4cn
Old Patenaude house. Black Creek. Side view of the larger half. Bushes in front. Mrs. Patenaude was the first schoolteacher in Horsefly 1910.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.52c
In front of Corner House - about 1925. L. to R. back - Al Campbell, Glen Walters, Lily's cousin Merle, Greta Parminter, Ben Gruhs, Mrs. Cessford, Bob Campbell, Erma Pegues. L. to R. front - Joe and Bobby Pegues, Unidentified is baby in white cap. Corner House is visible in the background.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.6n
Old Patenaude house. View of Patenaude house from the road.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.74n
Meiss Hotel. Alex Meiss and bear, Mrs. Meiss in back, Hazel Gibbons and Pete Rose. Alex is standing in front of an old car. Unknown man is holding a shovel. There are three other men on the left side of the photo.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.82n
Horsefly Bridge. About 1918. Two people are standing on top of the bridge, and two people are sitting on the bridge.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.8cn
Walters - built in 1916 after the old place burned down. Ben Gruhs and his father built it. Old barn to the left, two trees in front.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.9n
Old house at Walters Ranch used as bunkhouse. Built about 1914. Fences in background on left. Also another house.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 985.19cn
This was the Roberts' home in Beaver Valley, 1928, rented from Charlie Walters by A.B. Campbell.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 984.245n
New Horsefly sign on the side of the road as you come into Horsefly. By the Likely road turn-off.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 985.34c
Walters' Ranch House
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 985.37
Gerald and Glen Walters with a grizzly bear. 1926 - 27.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 986.2
Harper’s Camp Hotel. Mrs. Meiss and pet bear. See also photo 986.14
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 986.3c
Walters home and Horsefly Hotel. Harry & Hazel Walters and Pat Sharkley. 1916.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 987.64cn
Howard and Herb Lowry at old China Cabin in 1943.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 993.5.1
Dick Dewees, Ileta (nee Goetjen) Jenner, Mary Lane. Quesnel Lake. May or June 1936.