Street Names
Niquidet Street
Niquidet Street was paved and developed into a subdivision in 19?? by Louis Niquidet, after he originally acquired the property in 19?? from Stan Barrett.
Louis was born in Saskatchewan in 1914, the same year that World War 1 started. He was the third of five children. His parents were married in 1908 in Quebec, but
originally came from France.
The family eventually moved to B.C. first living about three miles from Big Lake (now called Niquidet Flats.) Then moving to the Parmeter and other places, raising livestock and ranching for a living.
Louis did many different types of work. In 1936 he worked at Cariboo Gold Quarts, in Wells, B.C. In 1937, he returned to Williams Lake to help his brother, George, and Tom Paxton, with a railroad tie
contract for the PGE. By 1939 ( the start of World War 2)Louis was working at the Bullion Gold Mine in Likely and also drilling far Ray Hanson. In 1941, Louis joined the Canadian Army. He was
eventually wounded in Holland. and was discharged in 1945. By 1949, he again joined his brother George, who had bought a mail, freight and passenger service between Williams Lake and Horsefly.
Louis married Eileen Yellerd in 1956. The couple lived in many different locations in Horsefly, raised two sons; Emie and Joe. Their last residence was on Welters Drive, close by to the street
that he developed and named. Louis died in 1988.