Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.106cn
Five in a group. Mr. & Mrs. John Parminter, Robert Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. Hooper Pegues. Residents of Corner House.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.110cn
Wagon Load. Nine or more people in a wagon including Bill Boswell, Mrs. Cessford, and Bob Campbell.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.16
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walters. Horsefly Hotel 1900. Harry and Alva Walters are sitting on a swing in front of the Hotel. In the back one can see the old Hotel. At the bottom of the photo someone has written Mother and Dad.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.168c
Gruh's Family and McCallum's. Five people standing in front of a cabin. Back Row L-R: Agnes Gruhs, Mrs. Gruhs, Ben Gruhs, Mr, Gruhs, and George. Front Rowe L-R: Agnes-Don McCallum.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.169cn
Three men and a cabin in the woods. First Bull Moose Club.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.170cn
Residents of the first Bull Moose club. L-R: Bill Boswell, Al Campbell, Don McCallum (child), Bob Campbell, George Finlayson.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.188cn
Ladies and Gentlemen. Madeline Niquidet, Annie Carfrae, Erma Pegues, Mari Lamberth, Grace Cessford, Annie Patenaude, Agnes Williams, Esther Gruhs, Dolly Hooder, Ben Gruhs. Seated Frank Kroupa, Harvey Lamberth, Joe Williams.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.191cn
Joe Williams Jr. Standing on his father’s car. He has a cap on.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.196cn
Seven people in a group on a porch. Agnes, Tommy Peterson, Katie Patenaude, Johnny Smith, ,Wirdenfield Housen, Bert Allen McCallum, and Mrs. Patenuade.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.199cn
Meiss Hotel, Mrs. Meiss and Rover, Lizzie Gaspard, sitting on the porch - winter.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 982.206c
Bob Campbell & Ida P. Zirnhelt - About 1915 - Bob is holing Ida.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.101n
Mr. Gruhs, Mrs. Gruhs seated, and two other gentleman. About 1915. All four are leaning up against a truck. Mr. Gruhs is holding a gun.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.105n
John Gruhs' car. There are 9 people standing in front of it.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.107n
Jimmy Wiggins, baby Mary, wife Mary, and Mabel Kenvig. Jimmy is holding the baby and his wife Mary is standing behind Mabel.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.112n
Charlie Gruhs. Charlie is looking at car with the hood up.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.116n
Esther Gruhs and Erma Pegues. The two ladies standing huddled in a snow covered field.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.118n
A horse team. A pair of Horses pulling a sleigh with two men in it.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.63n
Mrs. Gruhs, Mr. Gruhs is standing on a donkey engine. Little George Gruhs is holding a stick.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.74n
Meiss Hotel. Alex Meiss and bear, Mrs. Meiss in back, Hazel Gibbons and Pete Rose. Alex is standing in front of an old car. Unknown man is holding a shovel. There are three other men on the left side of the photo.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.75n
Mr. Gruhs old truck - Mr. Gruhs, mother, Dick Williams, Margaret Williams, George Gruhs, Gladys Williams, Dorothy Williams. Mr. Gruhs is sitting in the truck. Mother is holding Dick, Margaret is sitting beside Dick. Everyone else is sitting inside the truck.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.80cn
A sleigh ride - Romeo McEachern, Mrs. Annie Patenaude, Mrs. J.P. Patenaude, Mrs. Joe Williams, Albert Donald McCallum, George Finlayson, Al Campbell, Bob Campbell, Jimmy Guy. Circa 1911.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.90n
Esther Gruhs. Esther is posing for the picture. A small black dog is standing behind her.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 983.96n
One of the Williams's children and Joe. In the 1920's. A child is riding on one of the team. Another child is in the wagon.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 985.20c
Ruby Aikenhead (Barrett), teacher.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 985.2cn
Walters Family - Christmas - 1911 Back row, left to right, John Wawn, Eugene Clayton, Chelsey Bell, John Murray, Ernest Patenaude. Front row, left to right, Lloyd Walters, Bryson Patenaude, Glenn Walters, Gerald Walters, Lena Bell, Valentine Walters, Blanche Walters, Mrs. Harry Walters, Harry Walters, Ray Chambers, Ivan Walters, Harry Walters.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 985.39
Class of 19?? - Back Row L-R: George Gruhs, Jack Parminter, Gladys Williams, unidentified, Dorothy Williams, Margaret Williams. Front Row L-R: unidentified, Bob Pegues, Nick Williams, unidentified.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 985.59
Hope Patenaude (an early resident of Horsefly) with a cougar.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 986.1
Alex Meiss (sitting) and Matilda Meiss standing next to him. Taken 1900.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 986.2
Harper’s Camp Hotel. Mrs. Meiss and pet bear. See also photo 986.14
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 986.242
986.242 unidentified, Annie Patenaude, Albert Patenaude.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 987.002
Charlie and Tincee Goetjin. Taken in 1907.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 989.45
"Auntie" and "Brother" Bell. Black and White photo of the two sitting down together outside. Horsefly, 1920.
Courtesy of Jack-Lynn Memorial Museum - Call Number 989.48
William Roy Jones (standing) and J.P. Patenaude at the foot of Horsefly Falls.